I’ve just finished my first play through of Infamous 2 and I’ve got to say that it was an amazing ride. It may be even more so than the first game and to say that means something especially when I chose Infamous as one of my freebie game from sony even though I had played though it about 12 times and had the platinum trophy.
I feel this game accomplished what a sequel should strive for. It improved the story, gameplay, graphics and added features. The core fighting and climbing mechanics of the game are still intact and work even better this time around. The fighting system now includes melee to easily take out multiple opponents in an easy combo system. The climbing is almost unchanged but with the addition of pipes with electric wiring cole can now shoot up the side of a building greatly cutting climbing time and in some cases skipping the climbing all together.
The story picks up exactly where Infamous left off. Cole is in the process of preparing to fight “The Beast” a towing creature of unknown origin that is wreaking havoc and destroying everything in its path. To become strong enough he’s gotta head to New Marias to meet Dr. Wolfe and form a plan to defeat the beast. However once cole gets to the city a new threat reveals itself in the form of Joseph Betrand who controls the local militia and trying to take over the city. Cole now has to a two fronted battle, deal with Betrand and become powerful enough to fight the beast. Rather than a straight line leading to 1 final battle like with Kessler in Infamous.
The graphical progression is highly noticeable. The world offers more detail and variety and character animations are more fluid. The characters themselves also look pretty amazing and facial animations have been improved as well. Powers familiar and new all look great, lighting is vibrant and striking and powers like ice are really well done and don’t look as clunky as they could have.
While most of the game will be familiar for fans of the previous fans a new edition to the game is User Generated Content or UGC. UGC are missions created and or “remixed” by infamous 2 players and then uploaded for the world to enjoy. From either a blank canvas or a pre existing template players can go in and crate their own missions, whether it be a race, an assassination, a platforming/collecting time trial or a straight up “survive the enemy onslaught’ its up to the player to decide how and what.
While the game is a great play there are some bugs/quirks but nothing that breaks the game. Small things like having an emery get stuck or sometimes just not acknowledge you at all. As i said nothing game breaking, no falling through the streets or flying cars this time.
All in all Infamous 2 is a great game and is deserving of at least a look. If you wanna try the game to get a feel the demo is up on the Playstation store right now. If you’re new to the world of Infamous go play the first game and then come check out Infamous 2, It’s worth it, trust me.
Final score - 9/10