
Thursday, April 7, 2011


Today marks the first catch of the season for me. Although it's the 3rd attempt it was the first time I've caught anything so far. It's that time of year in which spring is taking control and warmer weather is becoming the norm. The water has warmed up enough for fish to have energy to actively hunt for food rather than to conserve their energy but staying still as much as possible. So at this time when they feel they can hunt after the long cold winter months they are hitting whatever hits the water. It's nice to have fishing season back. Good to feel the fighting fish at the end of my line. Didn't do to bad today, caught about 3 dozen blue gills, a crappie and a full blooded bass boy she was a beauty. Actually I have a few photos, One of the Bass the Crappie and of a rather big Blue Gill.


Yup turned out to be a pretty good day. Nothing astounding in terms of size but a helluva lot better that reeling in empty. Btw these photos were taken with my Ipod. Not bad if i do say so myself.

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