
Monday, June 6, 2011


Ok, Sony's E3 press conference just wrapped up and it was a good show. The #1 thing announced tonight was NGP now known as PSVITA information. There are over 80 titles in development for PSVITA which will be launching at the end of this year (I know what I'm getting for Christmas) including the likes of Uncharted, Wipeout, Modnation Racers, Little Big Planet, Street Fighter X Tekken and a new Bioshock title. All of which looked great and cant wait to play. I was super excited to hear that there will be two SKU's at launch, a $249 WiFi only model and a $299 3G + WiFi model with 3G data being provided exclusively by ATT which I have no problem with since i dont live in New York or San Fransisco where ATT service is apparently bad. All in all it looks like the 3DS is gonna have some well armed competition by years end and that this guy is gonna have a new gaming device, Sweet!


  1. Yo son good post, but I got two questions. One you really believe this thing can compete with nintendo in the handheld market? I think it's going to be like the psp1 bro. A lot of hype, a lot of buzz but as soon as it comes out a few people will buy it, mostly hardcore gamers and sony fanboys, but other then that I don't see it reaching a mass appeal. I got a feeling it's not going to be that amazing. It's going to need a lot of support to make it. Now my second question, they say anything about the playstation phone at the press conference?

  2. Oh shit, forgot to ask, you see the gameplay footage of MW3? That shit looked dope! Fighting in NYC should be SWEET! Also, ACR is going to be amazing, I am ready to play as Altair again, I love that dude! I AM EXCITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. LOL, ok dude, first off the PSPhone is already available. you can go buy it right now, nothing need to be said about it. As for the question about the PSVITA being able to compete? Yes i think it has a great chance to do some damage. As i said you can pick one up for $250 and that's a great price point because #1 that is the same price as the 3DS and #2 it's only like 50 more bones than the original PSP and so current psp fans will see that as a great deal. As for support there are 80 titles in development and that number is only gonna climb once more devs get their hands on the device and see what it an do. Some of the biggest named Devs are working on games for this thing. Kojima Productions, Ready at Dawn, Rockstar, Square Enix, Campcom, Activision, EA, Epic Games, THQ and Ubisoft just to name a few, are all working on NGP a.k.a PSVITA titles and with the PLaystation suite and things like play near and the ability to always be connected on the go with 3G data and cross game chat this thing is set up to do work. Not to mention the fact that some game were announced to have PSVITA/PS3 cross game play. I don't believe you can sit there and not like the idea of playing a game on your PSVITA while on the way to school or work with a buddy who is at home on his PS3. Sounds sweet to me. To wrap things up bro MW3 looked like shit. Almost no visual improvements and gameplay looks like the same shit we got with MW2 so im not excited at all for that title.

  4. Yo son good point, but allow me to make a counter point, all those devs you named helped contribute games to the original psp and the pspgo. That didn't really help it bro. The only thing that you said that sounds cool to me is cross game play, if done correctly that could be some dope shit. Other then that I really don't see this thing doing that well bro, the handheld market is filled with other devices that bring more joy to people. Sony is going to have to step it's game up, see what I did there, if they want to compete with Nintendo and the smart phones and tablets that are doing way to much work. Basically what I am saying is without original games, that people really want to play, sony will not stand a chance, because everything the psp2, refuse to use the other name, can do an ipad, or a phone can do, and I don't think people are going to be willing to fork over cash for the same product, especially if there are no "good" games for this thing. Now as far as MW3 goes, you must be blind son, and you must have never heard the old expression "if it ain't broke don't fix it." MW3 should be dope, I'm really excited to see how fighting in NY will play out and if they will do as much work as other devs when recreating the city. I would love to snipe some fools on top of the Statue of liberty, you know that would be awesome. And my final note, WTF bro, you didn't even mention ACR, what up with that?

  5. Yo, let me explain. The NGP has what the psp didn't. Two analogue sticks bro. On top of that its going to have two touch panels, the front screen and a touch pad on the back as well as accelerometer and gyros. So this system is going to be able to let people play games the way they are used to, but on the go. I see this thing doing work son. Also i didnt say anything about ACR because i didnt actually watch anything E3 except for the Sony and Nintendo conferences. I know its gonna be awesome i just cant say much since i havent seen it yet.

  6. Let me have a say in this SHHIt!.....BALTIMORE ORIOLES #1!!!
