
Monday, February 21, 2011

A Warning to Jared Fogle

Ok, Jared "Eat Fresh" Fogle we is coming for you boy! No five dolla footlong will save you from the wrath of vaught and Ross. We must sacrifice you to the god of ribs(google it, its real mofos). Our hunger will not be quenched until we have more ribs that as Ross said, literally fall off the bone. So this is your warning Mr. Fogle we are coming and we will find you. So you can run and tell that homeboy!

P.S. If Ross wants the rack of lamb we might have to sacrifice your wife as well. Sorry bro.


  1. Lol oh shit that boy is fucked! Even more so cause you dropped a bed intruder reference lol and boy we ain't sacrificing the wife!

  2. Dude if you want the lamb we must sacrifice somebody. I say his wife but if your moral compass won't allow that, then how about his first born son? If thats not cool then maybe his brother. All I know is we need to feast and lamb could be amazing.

  3. LOL, why you picking on the the wife son? I say we go after the first son. That's how a demon would do shit.

  4. Lol alright, first son it is. And I'm not picking on the wife, its just that should be an easy target. Why you defending the wife?

  5. I'm defending the wife because if someone took my wife for that reason I'd be PISSED!
