
Monday, February 14, 2011

Rorschach’s Journal

I’m Hungry. Thanks to Chris Vaught all I can think about is ribs. Ribs and for some reason 7-11’s taquitos which I have no chance of obtaining at this point. Its been ONE BILLION days since I last saw a 7-11, no, that cant be right the lack of ribs combined with the need for taquitos be affecting my brain more than I thought. If i don’t get some ribs or taquitos soon I fear someone will get fucked, like the way a city gets fucked by an atomic bomb or an ant gets fucked by a kid with a magnifying glass on a sunny day. At any rate its not good, I may be forced to sacrifice mason, the big one.


  1. First off allow me to say mean! Second, its sacrifice the little one boy! Now on to the business at hand, ribs are amazing, we need to get more. And if there is sacrificing to be done why not sacrifice someone we don't know? Like Jared from Subway? He won't be to hard to find, we just need to storm every subway in the U.S. I'll handle the east coast you take the west, we'll meet in the middle.

  2. Lol, fuck Jared! Dude I'm already in the middle I say you do all the ones on the way here then we team up from there and yes ribs are amazing and we do need more.
