
Saturday, January 29, 2011

What happened?

Like most of my fellow gamers, I have purchased a lot of DLC aka downloadable content for games. At first I didn’t think much of it. I was happy that a game I liked was getting more content added to it, but now I think DLC is getting out of control. It seems that publishers are just not putting the DLC on the disc because they can charge the gamer another ten bucks and make even more money. I get it, it’s all about making cash but the economy ain’t what it used to be. Allow me to show you an example of what I am talking about, some of my fellow gamers may remember a time when alternative costumes for characters were in the game, you didn’t have to buy them after you paid 60 bucks for the game. At most you just had to put in the hours to unlock them, not fork out your actual cash. To me this is just ridiculous, but it’s far from why I am writing this post. With the release of MvC3 growing closer by the minute I can see this downloadable problem becoming far worse. I imagine that Capcom will keep a few of the popular characters off the roster (like Ken Masters, really Capcom? Really?) and just wait to push them out for download and get more money. So what I will do is wait for a game of the year edition, I mean I’ve been waiting ten years, a few more won’t hurt right?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Does Microsft have a secret weapon hidden up their sleeve?

Rumor is that Microsoft has a new console ready to launch. "Microsoft is virtually prepared to release Xbox 720.  “We are merely holding out for the appropriate moment.” stated by a chief executive officer at Microsoft."  Read the full story on the other side.

Recent PS3 Update 3.56 Causing Problems

Looks like an old bug has resurfaced in a new software update for the PS3. The update, a minor security patch, has been giving gamers who try to upgrade their HDDs trouble, after installing the patch. Full details after the jump.

Thanks to Shui Ta and

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jack Tretton Confirms Playstation Suite For PS3

Looks like SCEA President Jack Tretton has let slip that Playstation Suite may one day show up on the PS3. Full scoop after the break.

Thanks to Ross Miller and

NGP (PSP2) Announced

It's Official. Sony has announced the successor to the PSP. The PSP2 or NGP as it is currently being called is the next handheld from Sony. The new device sports dual analog sticks, a 5" OLED touchsceen
with 940x544 resolution along with front and rear facing cameras and a touchpad on the back of the device as well as a gyroscope, accelerometer and compass for motion controls In addition the device will support 3G data and has a built in GPS. No official release date has been stated but it looks to launch some time this holiday season. With all these fancy features it sounds like the NGP will come with a hefty price tag but with the Nintendo 3DS launching in just a couple of months on March 27th Sony can't really afford to charge an arm and leg for their shiny new toy. The 3DS will be launching at $250 so Sony needs to keep their price close to have a real fighting chance against Nintendo. I say a $300 tag at launch would be very reasonable being only $50 more than the 3DS but with many more features to offer. What do you think the NGP should be priced at launch? And are you excited for the NGP at all?