
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dark Souls (Demon's Souls 2)

The sequel to the super challenging dungeon RPG Demon's Souls has some new information.
Full scoop after the break.

Credit to JC Fletcher and

EDIT: Found a video for Dark Souls. It looks good.

Credit to

Killzone 3 Public Beta Is Live!

A public beta for the highly anticipated Killzone 3 is now live on the Playstation Store and is available from today Feb. 3rd until Feb 15th. The download is 802 MB so go grab it and play test it before the launch on February 22nd here in North America. I should also mention that Guerrilla Games is hosting a contest during the open beta. They will select 20 random players everyday to receive a free copy of the game!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Where Are My New Features Sony?

It has been quite some time since the last major update to the PS3. Back in June of 2010 3.40 was released but since then It's been small updates like security improvements and various TV players. Sony really needs to implement some new features for the Playstation 3 community. Features like cross game chat have been begged for for years now. I hope that with all this buzz about the NGP (PSP2) that sony doesn't forget about updating the PS3 and keeping it fresh. I don't mean another video service app or slight reworkings of features currently present like the photo gallery, I want new shit. Custom soundtracks for every game, in game internet browsing, a more intuitive messaging system, more detailed PSN IDs, better socail networking implementation, pc-ps3 video chat, email integration or live news ticker. While I'm at it, Sony, PLEASE PLEASE make a usb UMD player so that people who have invested in the PSP early on and have stacks and piles of UMD games dont feel as cheated by the fact that the PSPGO and the NGP don't have UMD slots. In addition to that people who dont have a PSP will be able to experience PSP titles and may want to invest in a PSPGO or NGP.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Post Launch Game Patches

Ok, reading Vaught's post got me thinking about DLC and in turn game patches and I've come to the conclusion that Devs are getting lazy these days. Example Call of Duty: Black Ops, now I've had my fun with the game no doubt but most of the time I find myself frustrated because of in-game problems that feel like they should have been tended to before release. Things like lag, being kicked from games, inability to join friends and even the ability to join a game seem to plague the game effectively killing the fun. These problems really should be something that the Dev should take care of before sending the game to be sold to millions of people. Go ahead and delay the game if you know there are problems still unsolved. I'd rather wait a couple more months and have a complete game than to have it right away and have it broken and then have to download patch after patch that only slightly improves the overall gameplay. Now take God of War 3 for instance, an amazing game all the way through. It looked amazing, played amazing and was a massive game in terms of scale. GOW3 only had but 2 maybe 3 patches for slight issues with the Dualshock 3 and a small glitch and that's it and that is acceptable. Of course GOW3 isn't a online multiplayer bowl of death like COD:BO is but really I don't care Devs, just give me my game WHOLE and not broken upon purchasing. I'd rather not have your slice of shit disguised as pie and have you try to top it with your whip cream "patch" to keep me from noticing the game you've conned me into buying is actually a giant pile of crap.