
Friday, March 4, 2011


Ok, so my PS3 died. I know, super sad face :'''''''( , anyway since the PS3 was my entire entertainment system. My PS2, my DVD player, my Blu-Ray player, and of course my PS3 gaming console I'm fucked. I have almost nothing to do. Sure I could watch TV but unfortunately I have super shitty cable so It's all shit. No Discovery Channel, no History Channel, no Disney, no Nick, no Cartoon network and especially no G4TV not that I would watch G4 that much anyway. The point being that I have nothing to do now that my Black Beast has gone to tech heaven except for one thing, Pokemon Fire Red for Gameboy Advanced Sp. I started on Monday and have been playing for a few hours a day. I play on my way to work, for about half my lunch break at work and then I get home and play until bedtime. Pokemon has been around for what seems since the beginning of time. I say that because I honestly can't remember a time before Pokemon. It's been around forever, I remember collecting the cards and trading with friends some 11-12 years ago now and yet here I am playing a Pokemon game almost 21 and loving it. Even though it's an aged series it's still relevant, and what i mean by that is that it has kept its most basic elements while changing a few details and adding features and in the end it turns out to be a solid RPG. You start off with your one Pokemon and as you travel the land you capture more and become stronger as you defeat enemy after enemy. As your Pokemon level up they gain abilities and in most cases evolve into bigger more powerful forms. The story is straightforward as well, you want to become the very best like no one ever was, to catch them is your real test to train them is your cause. In order to gain fame you need to defeat the leaders of 8 Gym Leaders, each using a certain Pokemon type and technique. Each time you defeat a leader you get a badge, some make Pokemon up to a certain level obey some allow you to teach your Pokemon special moves that allow you to travel through the world easily. Apart from defeating the Gym Leaders you also face off against the evil Team Rocket and have to essentially save the world while becoming the greatest trainer in existence. It's been the same since the games first came out and its still a good formula today. Hours of fun and hundreds of hours of training, collecting and trading Pokemon makes this a great series. I just wish someone would make a damn console game for PS3, it could be totally epic. The PS3's graphical power, the awesome formula of a Pokemon game, a 3D realm, throw in some online battling systems and maybe some Co-op and you've got yourself a fucking game I tell you hwhat! Hell maybe you could even choose if you wanted to be a member of Team Rocket or not and you could just go around battling other players just for the hell of it, now that would be sweet. Someone call Sony and tell em to buy the rights to a Pokemon game and get crackin' I wanna see this shit happen!


  1. Yo good idea about a console Pokemon, but I doubt it would ever happen. Nintendo keeps that franchised locked down bro. No way would they let sony get down on that. Plus, don't you think some of the allure of Pokemon is the fact, that you can take your Pokemon with you? Its the perfect handheld game bro. Still would be cool to see Pokemon on the 3.

  2. Yeah dude i know Nintendo wouldn't let that go down. Sure would be sweet though. Yeah Pokemon is good on the go but I also played Pokemon on the Gamecube and it was dope. A 3D world with super smooth battle animations. Plus it felt good to play with a paddle with vibration and to have a big screen to look at.
