
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thoughts on the Mortal Kombat Demo

Finally got my new PS3 from Sony and she runs like a dream as if just off the line of a PS3 factory in heaven. I just found out yesterday that the new Mortal Kombat demo was free to download on PSN so as I set up my new system today the first thing I did was download the MK and Crysis 2 demos and had at it. The demo didn't  offer a huge amount in terms of content after all twas only a demo however what it did offer was a very good glimpse of what can be expected when the full game is launched on April 19th. I picked Scorpion as my character during my short play of the demo because, well, he's a badass. The first thing I noticed when I started my first match, which was against myself, was that the game looks AMAZING. It might just be me and the fact that i haven't actually played an MK game in years but I was taken by surprise by the beauty of the game, it reminded me of the first time I saw God Of War 3 in HD for myself. Once I got into the actual fighting of the game I was disappointed, disappointed that it hadnt been like this from the start! The controls are responsive and the animations are super silky smooth and the game feels quicker, getting closer to a street fighter with the ability to string together long combos for max damage. I was able to start a combo with a flying kick and before i hit the ground transition into a teleport twice ( this sequence reminds me of the time Matt Lease bounced in between the floor and roof of a car while trying to exit, ahhh classic Lease, good times, good times. ) and then land and follow up with a few punches a leg sweep and upercut to end it all. This little combo took just about half the life bar of my opponet it was sweet. I can only imagine the super combos people will come up with in the full version with the tag team mode. From what I've seen in the short demo available this game looks like a winner. From the nice responsive controls to the super smooth animations and from the sweet combos and suberb graphics this could be the best MK of them all.


  1. Lol nice post. Good way to bring up accordion Lease, that shit was amazing. That also lead to Peter Whiskerbisquit which was also quite awesome. Now your thoughts on the demo were the same as mine. Should be good bro. If you happen to buy this, we need to do some online matches because we haven't faced each ohter in a long time, and we always had some great matches. Mortal Kombat and Madden, two games we had a lot of fun with bro.

  2. Lol yeah, that shit was amazing. Yeah I agree bro if we both get this game we need to do battle cause it has been too long since Madden or MK or any game for that matter.
