
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Killzone 3 Fan Trailer "Never Give In"

My attempt to create a KZ3 Trailer Master Piece lol, don't think it went so well but hey I still like it.

EDIT: Second attempt at a decent trailer. Slightly different from the first but largely the same. Added a couple effects and a few more shots of Helghast.


  1. Yo that was dope. The music worked well for it. Alright bro, I got just one compliant. I think you need to go out on a bang. The ending seemed a bit weak. You had a strong opening, and it seems that you just stopped mid-book. That make sense?

  2. Yeah i know bro but for this contest you could only use certain clips from the game, one's that were provided by Guerrilla Games. It was tough to find good shots of the Helghast to use that's also why it was only 1:05 when I could've been 1:30.
